The Grampians National Park

Grampians - boroka lookout


The Grampians is a must visit location if you're in Melbourne. Casual explorers / visitors love visiting for the sightseeing, photography/instagrammable spots and aboriginal history (e.g. rock painting tours) and adventurers love visiting for rock climbing, abseiling and incredible hikes/walks.

Some of the highlights are:

[Highlight #1]: Wildlife: Kangaroos, emus and wallaby sightings:

There are many spots that you'll see kangaroos. Some are quite tame and used to meeting humans, although I've seen a kangaroo climb over a guy after he tried to feed the kangaroo. If they see you have food, some may aggresively take it from you. Most people know this, but: just keep in mind; they are wild animals, even if they are cute and furry (also: they have claws).

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Kangaroos at the Grampians
Location: Google Maps

[Highlight #2]: incredible mountain views:

The Grampians has some amazing views from the mountains summits. There are quite a few different summit views within the Grampians massif (a massif is a compact group of mountains). Some are easily accessible by car, some you will need to hike to reach them (some hikes are quite difficult but rewarding - as the harder they are, the less people go).

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Boroka Lookout
Location: Google Maps

[Highlight #3]: Stunning natural waterfalls:

There are some stunning waterfalls at the Grampians:

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McKenzie falls - Grampians
Location: Google Maps

Logistics / planning:

The Grampians is a 3 hour drive from melbourne CBD and you can visit for a 1 day trip (around 12 hours total) or for multiple days (3-5 days is great, particularly if you renting a campervan.)


The Grampians is 1,672 km². By comparison, the Melbourne CBD block is 6.6 km². So it's a massive national park in Victoria with a huge amount of hiking tracks and hidden spots.

The Grampians map
Location: Google Maps

How to get here: